Sunday, 24 June 2018

My new YouTube Gaming Channel


Gaming has always been close to me. Let it be playing one or making one, i love doing both. This generation of gaming has a ton to offer to all of us. Let it be via YouTube or Twitch. Everybody is a creator no, Live streams, lets play series so much fun involved. I want to entertain you gamers as well. 

I've always wanted to become a successful youtuber but i didn't get many chances to prove it until a few months back. I gave up all excuses and negative thoughts about me not being a YouTuber or a content creator on any platform and started making videos on my new channel GAMEIT2DCORE. Started off with PUBG MOBILE. Tried recording gameplay using my Android Phone  but the gameplay was not entertaining at all. It was all laggy and not so good!

Somehow I managed to get myself an iPad to work with and from then I've made it my work bench. I play games. edit them and upload all via iPad and its fun. I love what I do now and in this huge sea of content creators, me shining above all is a difficult task and I need all your support. 

When you guys subscribe, it gives me chills!. Motivates me to make more and more videos for you all. And i promise to deliver quality content. All I seek is your support. I will drop my channel'ss link at the end of the post. Do check it out once and if you think i'm worth a sub then by all means subscribe!. 

All your valuable feedback is appropriated and if you have any suggestions then don't hesitate to drop it in the comments section (either YouTube or Blogger). I cannot thank you enough for the support.

If you sub my channel reading this post then let me know by typing in #g2dc in the comment section.